... And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
... And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
Help us provide emergency shelter and food during inclement weather, and give persons experiencing homelessness a place to make progress on their goals toward stable housing.
You need to come see us.
WayStation is a day shelter and resource center open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., for Benton County residents. We offer breakfast, lunch and to-go bags for dinner. We can help you get SNAP, a phone, a bike, camping gear, and clean clothes. Come use our computers to search for a job or an apartment.
We want to be a stop on your way to a better life.
1229 W. Poplar St., Rogers -- Behind the Center for Nonprofits and across the parking lot from Webb Memorial Park. Look for the WayStation sign and enter the glass door at the end of the long sidewalk.
“When we think of biblical justice, we think of individual rights. … Biblical justice has a different trajectory. Biblical justice means interwovenness, interdependence, bringing individuals to see that our stuff isn’t just ours. … [Justice] means taking the threads of your life–your emotions, your time, your body, your physical presence, your money–and plunging them into the lives of other people.”
--Tim Keller, Author
Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash
Tapestry Home in Rogers, Ark., addresses the need for secure housing for young adult families.
We partner with Teen Action and Support Center (TASC) to provide wrap-around services to give young families the best chance of success.
Contact TASC if you are a teen in need of housing.
The Micah 6:8 Initiative has a limited amount of financial assistance to prevent homelessness. We also have transitional housing for persons 55 and older.
Call our Director of Housing to learn more - 479-222-0748
Your support and contributions support people experiencing homelessness to find home again.
We began in 2016 as an Oakley Chapel community group centered around justice issues. We invited like-minded persons from other congregations and organized as a faith-based nonprofit in 2017.
Our funding comes from generous donors, foundations and fundraising activities, such as annual Texas pecan sale.
We are an IRS 501 (c)(3) faith-based charity, unified to restore hope and provide opportunities for people to become all God intends them to be. Currently, we do this by addressing issues of housing and food insecurity in our community.
First Annual Breakfast: April 4, 2025 7:30 a.m.
Quiche, Scone and Fresh Fruit Buffet